Our Village Hall began life as the village school. It is next to the Church in the centre of the village and has an adjacent parking area.
The hall has one large room and one small meeting room, both newly decorated, together with a fully equipped kitchen, toilets and free Wi-Fi. It is large enough for parties, yet small enough to be cosy for just a few.
The Hall is administered by local volunteers through the Village Hall committee, who also arrange fund raising activities. More helpers are always welcomed. Contact us if you would like to volunteer.
– Award
We are very pleased to announce that Seaton Ross Village Hall has attained Hallmark 2. Hallmark is a quality standard for Village Halls and accreditation shows that our hall is being run professionally.
Many thanks go to all of you who continue to support our Village hall.
– Hire of the Hall
The hall is a real asset to Seaton Ross, having been recently refurbished, redecorated and with a newly boosted heating system. It sits in the middle of the village with a small car park and roadside parking. The hall can cater for a variety of needs, from small formal meetings to larger seated events.
It can be used for a range of activities. It is a great venue for kids clubs, birthday parties, anniversary celebrations, wedding receptions and funeral occasions. It is ideal for local clubs and special interest groups such as the Art Group and the Ladies Group. It is suitable for indoor recreation – there is currently Pilates, Indoor Bowls and Yoga.
We can also cater for small business use, whether that be training, presentations, conferences or client entertaining.
We offer a large hall, a small room, a fully equipped modern kitchen, and wifi, projector and screen, and disabled access.
We currently only charge £9 an hour, the cheapest rate in the area.
For bookings and further information please call Gyl Sampson on 01759 318630, or complete our contact form.
– Funding
Money is raised by bookings for private events such as children’s parties, groups/classes, by a 150 Club lottery with monthly prizes and by fund raising events.
– 150 Club
The 150 Club is an annual lottery which has a monthly prize draw for Club members and provides funds to support Village Hall maintenance. It allows everyone to particiapate in supporting a community facility, whether or not they use the Village Hall directly.
Collection of subscriptions starts 6th April finishing on the 25th May. Your collector will be contacting you. Note: Any subscriptions paid after the end date will not be accepted for that year.
There are various methods of payment: Standing Order (recommended), Bank transfer, or cash paid to your collector. Should you decide to set up a Standing Order or Bank Transfer this should be set up to be paid between 6th April and 31st May each year. Standing Orders or Bank Transfers are easy to set up using email banking, mobile banking or directly with your branch.
The price per ticket is £12.
Details required for Standing Orders (or Bank Transfers) are:
Account name: Seaton Ross Village Hall Committee (some banks may accept Seaton Ross VHC)
Account type: Business
Sort code: 20-99-56
Account number: 30061999
Payee Reference: 150- enter your ticket number(s) as in 3. below
Please confirm via email to kayparker389@gmail.com; or telephone if you prefer on 07468 488723 as soon as possible when the Standing Order has been set up or the Bank Transfer has been made. It is particularly important that payment is made on time. In addition, if anyone has lost their ticket or is unsure of their lottery number then please do contact Kay.
Last year many of you paid your subscription via bank transfer which is extremely helpful, and we thank you for that. We did note that some had problems when entering the details for the bank transfer. The following points will hopefully help to make Bank Transfer easier.
These points will also be relevant for Standing Orders as well as Bank Transfers.
The full account name is Seaton Ross Village Hall Committee, but Seaton Ross VHC, or Seaton Ross Village Hall may
The account is a community account (for charities), which is treated as a business account.
We need the ticket number/s to link the payment to the right person, as we have several similar names. When setting up the standing order or bank transfer you will need to include your ticket numbers in the Reference section on your bank transfer details. As there are limited number of characters you can use in the reference section please use the following example: 150 20 22. Thank you.
Prize Draw
The collected monies from the 150 Club are used to pay for each Prize Draw. The 150 Club prize draw must be at least 50% of the annual collected monies.
Each month a draw is completed by using a random selector internet tool by the Administrator.
Winners of the Prize Draw are announced on the notice boards at the a) Village Hall, b) at the end of West End and 3) in the Shop each month.
There are 4 monthly prizes of £25, £20, £10, and £10. There is a bonus draw in November with minimum prizes of £100, £50, £20, and £20 plus extra prizes depending on how many tickets were sold in that year.