Seaton Ross Playing Fields has been open for 30 years as a place where children and and adults can go to have some fun.
There is play equipment at the front and a large field for games behind it. 2015 saw new equipment installed thanks to the Kavli Trust grant and the Playing Fields used some of it’s reserves to buy and install new goal posts along with having the field professionally cut.
It’s been good to see more people using the Playing Fields since the improvements have been made.
The Playing Fields is the only community owned open space in the village and has hosted Seaton Ross Fest, an event that was enjoyed by many.
The Playing Fields is a registered charity, and has to raise enough funds each year to pay for maintenance and insurance. Apart from a small grant from the parish council, this is all done through donations and fund raising events.
– The Committee & Friends
The Playing Fields Committee is a small group of people from the village who give their time for free and arrange the activities needed to raise money along with organising insurance, arranging inspections and complying with the appropriate regulations.
A larger group of Friends of the Playing Fields help the committee by helping with small scale maintenance, to prepare events or by attending our fund raisers.
– How can you help?
We all want the Playing Fields to remain open for all to enjoy.
To keep our playing field open we need your time and help either as a Friend to attend events or as a committee member to help organise things. If you feel you can help in any way then please contact us by emailing:
Seaton Ross Playing Fields Association Regd Charity No 513185