In October 2005, questionnaires were delivered to each of the 212 houses in Seaton Ross Parish. 172 (81%) were completed by 376 individuals, a very high return rate.
Comparison of the answers from the ‘household’ section against the 2001 census data shows that the returns represent a good cross-section of the village.
The questionnaire provided information on the make-up of individual households, work, study and transport, village amenities and facilities, crime prevention, leisure activities, housing and the village environment.
A summary of the information gives a basis for further discussion about actions or initiatives that the village may take in the future.
Many people helped to develop the questionnaire, to deliver and collect them and to analyse the data. Thanks to all who participated.
Please use the following links to jump to a particular category or simply scroll down the page to browse them all.
The People of the Village
The age profile of the parish is similar to East Riding in general (2001 census).Most people are in the 25-65 age range, with the majority of youngsters between 5 and 15.
Almost everyone (98%) lives permanently in Seaton Ross (more than 4 nights a week). The majority have been here for more than 10 years.
16% of the people who live in the village were born here, 4% retired here and 25% came because they work in the area. Many people settled here because of their love of village/country life.
Unemployment in the Parish is very low (less than 1%), with no single barrier to employment emerging.
Most people work away from Seaton Ross, travelling to Pocklington, York or further afield.
The main employment categories are Education, Retail/Service industries, Health care, Manufacturing and Agriculture/horticulture.
About half of those who run a business do not employ other people, with most businesses falling in the Agricultural and Professional sectors.
The main means of transport for those living in Seaton Ross is the car (95% of respondents), although some people experience difficulties in accessing health care (doctor in HOSM and Pocklington, dentist and hospital), and for shopping.
Of those who provided an opinion about the bus service in and out of the village, many wanted a more frequent service, but 35% stated that they would never use the bus anyway.
Local Services
Most people were aware of almost all of the local services and facilities, but less so for the fish merchant and the Vale Watch scheme.
There was a clear desire to support local services (76% of respondents), but price and choice emerged as reasons why people often shop out of Seaton Ross as well.
Crime Prevention
The main concerns were burglary and vehicle theft and speeding.
Most people (54%) viewed the police coverage to be poor (28% had no opinion), with requests for a greater police presence, better consultation and a Neighbourhood Watch scheme.
Good | 4 |
Reasonable | 61 |
Poor | 196 |
No Opinion | 104 |
Facilities for Young People
There is clear demand for a Youth Club in Seaton Ross, and this was also the dominant suggestion for new activities within the Village Hall.
The playground and playing field facilities in the village were regarded as good.
Leisure and Sport
Many people would attend clubs within Seaton Ross, in particular:
- Keep Fit
- Badminton
- Tai chi/yoga
- Walking/Rambling Club
- Computing
- Arts & Crafts
- Book Club
Awareness of current activities in the Village was patchy, although a high proportion of respondents (70-80%) knew about the Yorkshire Countrywomens Association, Young Farmers and the Local History Group.
The Village Hall
The Village Hall is already used a lot for group activities and there were many suggestions for future activities.
New activities for the Village Hall:
Young People
- Youth Club
- After school clubs
- Toddler/play group
- Play scheme
- Disco
- Young Mums
- Cubs/Brownies
Keep Fit
- Yoga
- Tai Chi
- Aerobics
- Judo
- Pilates
- Carpet bowls
- Badminton
- Radio controlled car
- Christmas Fayre
- Panto/plays
- Fashion shows
- Produce sale
- Farmers Market
- Horticultural show
- Senior citizens
- Tea dance
- Bingo
Evening Classes
- Flower arranging
- Arts and crafts
- Computer lessons
- Dance classes
St. Edmunds Church
St Edmunds Church is used for regular Sunday Worship by 13% of respondents.
Greater numbers see it as important for weddings, funerals and baptisms or as an historic building or focal point.
15% of respondents stated that St Edmunds did not cater for their denomination or other needs.
Getting Information
The Seaton Ross Times and the Notice Board were the means by which most people find out about events and activities in Seaton Ross.
Two-thirds of respondents would use a future village web site.
Housing and Building
56% of respondents were satisfied with the appearance of new buildings in Seaton Ross. A traditional style should be maintained.
There was support for:
- affordable homes for young people
- small family homes
- low-cost housing
- single dwellings in controlled locations
- conversion of redundant buildings
27% of respondents saw no need for any more housing within the village.
Comments on Future Buildings:
- Traditional build (46%)
- Smaller houses (13%)
- No infills/garden plots (10%)
- Large gardens and space (10%)
- No new building at all (7%)
- Affordable housing (5%)
- No estates (3%)
- More imaginative/techno/unique (2%)
The Seaton Ross Environment
There was a broad range of suggestions for protecting and enhancing the village environment. Overhanging foliage along footpaths is clearly a concern to many people.
The village could be kept more clean and tidy by having more waste and litter bins and by having a Spring Clean Day.
The Best Feature of Seaton Ross
- It’s quiet and peaceful
- There is a friendly community
- The Pub
- It’s open and scenic aspect
- The Church
- The playing field
- The community spirit
- Windmills and sundials
- It is well kept and tidy
- The people